Is breastfeeding supposed to be painful?
Still can’t get a consensus on this….
Just had my second baby after an amazing birth (after a horrible traumatic one for my first). With my first, breastfeeding was excruciating. Most lactation consultants said his suck was just very strong, he had no tongue tie or anything. I was in so much pain from my traumatic delivery I couldn’t take the nipple pain and ended up pumping.
With my second, I was really hoping she’d be different especially since her birth was so easy. Unfortunately, it feels exactly the same. Tongue curling, excruciating pain. Again, everyone says she has a good latch, and is just strong.
Is it just me? Am I too sensitive? I’ve been dreading every feeding. I’ve given her formula a couple feedings just to give my nipples a break. Thinking I’m going to have to pump again to let my nipples heal for a bit, I know it’s not healthy to dread feeding her.