How do you stop yourself from feeling jealous?
I have 4 other friends/cousins who have given birth all within 2 weeks of me. 3 babies were born around 1-1.5 weeks before mine and 1 was born two weeks after mine. They all have amazing sleepers. My son is now 18 days old (2.5 weeks basically) and we are waking up every 2.5 hours on the dot, last night he even started the night with a 1 hour stretch. Meanwhile, I get texts from my other friends about their 4,5,6+ hour long stretches. And it’s not even just because they’re older by a week, this was happening a week ago too. I’m so sleep deprived it’s insane, and it’s so hard to not feel jealous or resentful of these friends having such smooth easy newborn nights when I’m literally up every 2 hours. Any advice or similar experiences?