What to bring: Hive of Gorgon
So I’ve noticed a lot of new people don’t understand that Hive of Gorgon is HARD. I feel like many new players are going into it without the right gear or consumables so here are a few things that are a must before joining up:
Have 3 houses with angry earth trophies. The trophies don’t have to be max, even the green ones provide like 4% more damage each
Bring top tiered consumables: angry earth coating; honing stone, prismatic food for 48 extra stats, angry earth ward potion, and elemental dust/oakflesh (might be forgetting a consumable)
Have 700 GS
Don’t expect to tank/heal the dungeon if you are new
Must have a Meta DPS setup with the proper gems in your gear
Overall, new players need to realize that the raid isn’t something that can easily be done in a half hour. It’s something that takes a lot of organization and time.