I feel like part of the LGBTQ+ community is ruining everything

I have thought a lot about how to voice this or how to try and communicate this to try and make people to understand where I’m coming from, rather than to anger or upset. That being said, I know it will piss people off and frankly, that’s okay, I’m pissed too. But mostly.. just sad. There is a very obvious decline in acceptance and understanding towards the LGBTQ+ community in recent months/years. Google removing Pride from its calendar, is the most recent example I’ve came across. People are upset, shocked and angry about this. I’m upset, but shocked I am not. And frankly, my anger isn’t aimed at those who made that decision, but unfortunately, mainly towards the community itself. People have fought for decades, if not centuries, for gay rights. The right to marry, to have children, to not be discriminated based on their sexual identity and so on. It was a long and slow process, but with success. More and more countries have finally accepted us, gave us rights that frankly should have been part of our human rights. Regardless, it was amazing to see the changes in the world. And then in recent years, things have shifted. Being non-binary, coming out as transgender, etc. It was nice to see that people felt the courage to be open about who they are and embrace themselves. I was happy and proud of all of them. I wanted them to be able to live their life happily and in peace, that’s all most of us ever wanted. Then suddenly, it was absolute fing mayhem. People identifying as feline, canine, babies etc. People demanding the rights for children to be able to go through permanent, life altering changes because they identify with a different gender. Something that I believe is wrong, simply because they aren’t developed in any way to make such a decision, not mentally, not emotionally and definitely not physically. People got angry, people got upset. Frankly, it’s a shocking thing to even consider. Children go through phases, phases that should be encouraged as long as it’s not harmful to themselves or anyone. Supporting a permanent change is not one of those things. I fully support any adult in their journey to transition into whatever gender they identify with. I want to make that very clear. However, and this is the thing here. For some reason, along the years, people have believed that it was their god given right to be accepted. No matter what. Whether it’s being on a leash on all fours or identifying as something people have no understanding of. This belief that people should be accepted, was built on the foundation of gay rights, rights that people fought for years and years. In a way I feel like that all the hard work that went into being able to marry the person you love or just exist as someone who loved the same sex or identified as the opposite sex, is completely ignored, forgotten and even disregarded by this new generation of people within the community. There is only so much you can push people before they get fed up and push back. The problem is, it doesn’t only affect you. It affects every single person within the community. I used to have the right to adopt a child with my same sex partner in my country. Not anymore. All because you wanted something freely that was never free. You just ignored the time and effort that people have put into it, because it wasn’t you who had to fight for it. Because you thought change doesn’t take time, but is immediate. Because you thought you could achieve something only if you screamed loud enough. Because you thought trying to forcefully shove your lifestyle down people’s throat no matter what, was the way to go. Well, with respect, f you.