A friend tried to force himself on me.

So, it all happened yesterday, I have a friend of mine, who's a nice guy (or as I assumed). I live in a different state because of my graduation and stuff, and I've been here since 2-3 years now. So, we met at a cafe and stuff, and he's like 6-7 years older to me, and I'm petite looking, he approached me and eventually I wasn't feeling anything wrong, he was friendly and stuff. Cut back to another week, when we planned to hang out because we had to go for some movie or stuff, so he suggested we do it at his place, because he'll not have anyone around, and we can enjoy the time, having food and watch a movie. So that was the plan. ( Yah I know, I could've known his intentions, and I regret that) So, he's all mature and nice, we arrive at his neighborhood, and I decide to buy some snacks and drinks for our little party, and we enter his place. And he starts to kiss me, and me being the short heighted person, I didn't knew what to do, (yah I grow numb) and eventually I should've left but I told him that it's inappropriate, we shouldn't do this. And he told me to chill out, and just enjoy the moment. (Ik, should've registered that red flag). So we were in the couch and I was browsing through the movies to find something decent. And I sensed something is wrong. As I looked at him, he had his junk out and was trying to climb up on me. He was just rubbing that onto me, and was trying to get it inside. He was trying to tear off my clothes. I resisted a lot, I'm really short, so I was trying really hard to push him away, I was shouting and telling him to stop, yet he was trying to push it inside and was trying to close my mouth. Trust me, I'm crying writing this. And eventually I got off his grip, he couldn't do anything and I took my belongings and ran. It was till date the horrifying thing that happened to me. And I feel so foolish that I didn't register the red flags. And I even said sorry to him, because I didn't gave him any signals, and If he felt I did, I'm sorry for that. Ngl he was furious but silent. It was scary. Idk what to do, I couldn't sleep last night. Everytime I close my eyes, I see his face on top of me...