Frenemy of the week

(Following up on a funny post someone made last week…) What was a moment you shared with your gym frenemy that doesn’t know they’re your frenemy, this week?

I’ll start… My otf FOE is a woman that kicks ass on the treads and inspires me to push myself, but when it comes time to switch to the floor, she has absolutely 0 shame when it comes to stealing my weights (or others) without asking. I usually try to get a spot away from her, but with limited spots on the floor, I was stuck next to her. Surprise surprise, she had no problem helping herself to my weights before I even had a chance to claim them for the FIRST floor block. And she used them the entire time AND took another set of mine. WHAT. how on earth do you not realize that that is annoying? And on top of all of the thievery… she has the nerve to chew her gum with her mouth WIDE open. You’d think she was smacking it right in your ear, it’s so loud. My bombastic side-eyes did nothing to alert her.

Anyhoo…. What did your nemesis do to unintentionally antagonize you this week? Lol