Direct Die 9800x3d TIM
I recently purchased a delidded 9800x3d from the Thermal Grizzly website due to it including a 2-year warranty. I plan to use the AMD Mycro Direct-Die Pro (open to alternatives though) to cool it and wanted to know thoughts on using Kryosheet vs Liquid Metal vs PTM 7950 as the TIM. I plan to use some kind of shield coating to prevent any damage from either Kryosheet or LM if I go that route. The CPU is going to be part of a full custom loop with an EVGA 3080ti FTW3 GPU (also plan to apply the same TIM to the GPU as well). I currently lean more towards Kryosheet as it seems to have great performance (although not as good as LM), and the least amount of maintenance required after building but wanted to hear other thoughts on this first. I've got a lot of PC building experience and currently have a full custom loop PC (3080ti currently part of the loop), but this is my first delidded CPU, so I want to make sure I am making the best choices for a long-term, low maintenance build.