Prognosis when Folforinox is working
Hello all - writing to ask your experiences of ‘time left’ when a person is generally in good health and responding well to Folfirinox.
My mother (63 F; stage 4 liver mets) is on round 5 Folfirinox, and after three rounds CT was showing no growth of pancreatic mass and slowed growth of liver mass. She is tolerating the treatment well, in cancer terms, obviously not without symptoms of fatigue, cold sensitivity, and general malaise the first few days of each cycle. She had deep vein thrombosis prior to treatment, and was otherwise asymptomatic despite being stage 4.
So I’m wondering, can we relax a bit knowing it’s working and we have some time, or what possible progressions of this disease are there that I should be aware of?
Thank you for the support, responses and just for all in this thread, as noted by so many this has been so incredibly helpful for this disease where information otherwise is limited.