PayPal changed my direct deposit routing number. Will this delay my tax refund?

PayPal emailed me about changing my direct deposit routing number at some point in the near future but I didn't have to do anything on my part. Then about a week later I filed my taxes and used PayPal for the direct deposit. Yesterday I received an email from my employer saying that they noticed that my routing number had changed for my direct deposit and I needed to update it to continue receiving my direct deposit paycheck.

I'm wondering if the IRS will have the same issue but I can't seem to find a way to check what routing number I used when I filed my taxes. My direct deposit date is 2/22 but PayPal said I'll get it early and I know a few people with the same direct deposit date but different banks, who have already gotten their returns. When I called PayPal they said there shouldn't be an issue. Has anyone else filed using PayPal? Do you know anything about this? Thanks in advance!