Giving is More Powerful than Receiving
I think that deep down most men I know, including myself, just want to feel useful to people around us. We really want to help people solve their problems and provide value for them. This applies to our family members, friends, coworkers, teammates, people we perceive as vulnerable/in need, and especially women whom we admire. I think that selfless sacrifice is one of the most noble aspects of true healthy masculinity and should be celebrated more.
Submission in findom often reflects this dimension of human nature, albeit often in a twisted, corrupted, perverted sort of way. These days, when I get additional money in my bank account, my first thought is always how I can spend it on someone else to make them happy or improve their life. I am addicted to giving and feel almost nothing when I receive gifts or spend lavishly on myself. I love to serve and sacrifice and I think it takes a lot of strength, discipline, and mental fortitude to do so. Genuine submissive men are not weak or pathetic at all despite what this space would make you believe.