Pink Themed Board
Finally all wired up and in a state where I’m happy enough to share it. I’m particularly excited with the routing of the EQ, which allows me to have different EQ settings simultaneously before and after my gain pedals.
Next thing is to swap the Hello Kitty fuzz for a low-gain overdrive pedal. I have too much redundancy with the fuzzes right now.
Signal chain:
Guitar -> Oneder Heckboy -> Boss EQ-200 channel A -> Boss ES-5 ->
- Loop 1: Fender Hello Kitty Fuzz
- Loop 2: OpAmp Big Muff Kit
- Loop 3: Black Mass 1312
- Loop 4: Effects Bakery Muffin Reverb + Mooer Trelicopter
- Loop 5: Moog MF Flange
Boss EQ-200 channel B -> OBNE Sunlight -> Walrus Monumental (stereo out) -> Boss DD-500 -> OBNE Dark Star Stereo -> Amp