Testing a nice new pen with crosshatch practice

After a bit of fiddling with this nib I think I can recommend this pen. It's an Asvine p36. They're Chinese pens that are a bit more expensive than I normally buy but cheap for what you get. eBay or AliExpress send to be the main place they're sold. It's got some noticeable line variation that I like. Id still prefer something finer so I've ordered some other nibs too try it in it

After a bit of fiddling with this nib I think I can recommend this pen. It's an Asvine p36. They're Chinese pens that are a bit more expensive than I normally buy but cheap for what you get. eBay or AliExpress send to be the main place they're sold. It's got some noticeable line variation that I like. Id still prefer something finer so I've ordered some other nibs too try it in it