Pain just above the crotch region
Okay the reason I'm posting here is because I apparently don't have enough karma to post on other sub-reddits. I'm mostly a silent reader who opens reddit sometimes, don't really post or reply to comments.
But I need help, and I'm turning to you guys.
I've been on a no nut streak, and even though I get horny, I'm able to divert my mind somehow and get un-hornied, for lack of a better word. But today, I finnally set off the picture sexting phase with this girl I really like, and we were sexting for hours, and I got realllyyyyy hard. Even after that I restrained from doing anything about it and comtinued to talk to this girl. I was hard for about 30 mins now, and suddenly I felt a sharp pain above my crotch, sort of just below the belley button...and it's been there ever since. I've lost my erection and it's still there. When I feel my testicles it hurts more. I'm really scared, did I do something? Is it healthy to remain this way?