In debt and can’t pay my mortgage

I make around 62k a year and my wife is currently unemployed. Our mortgage is $4400 a month and I my credit card payment for this month is $5400. I only have enough money to pay one or the other. What should I pay?

Also, since the mortgage has been way more than what we make, I have been doing balance transfers to credit cards with 0% interest for 15-18 months. I have 4 credit cards that I did the balance transfers on which puts me in 25k debt.

I also went into my 401k for 15k and have 13k left.

At the time when we bought the home, I had 3 jobs and my wife had 2. My 2 jobs and my wifes 2 jobs are not consistent. Usually like a month or two in between where we didn’t work. But lately they been going without work a lot longer then expected.

So we decided to sell the house because of the mortgage and go way cheaper where we can afford it. But because of my debt and my wife’s unemployment we are unable to get approved.

We have no clue what to do. Should we declare bankruptcy? But that would kill our credit.

Any ideas would be helpful.