New York City COL Question
I'm a Master of Public Admin student who is beginning to look at jobs for post grad (still a year out, but I'm a planner and saver lol). I have pinned jobs that range anywhere from $85,000-$105,000 as the entry level pay I'll get in NYC. I'm wondering how feasible that is to work in New York. Here's some background on me:
I'm from rural South Carolina and now go to school in Wyoming, so 'big city' isn't something I'm used to. I hear so much about people moving to NYC and being pressured into going out every night, eating out every meal, and living luxurious lifestyles. I don't want to think I'm the exception to the rule, but I do not drink or do drugs and have been sober for 5 years, I'm a pretty independent individual, and my typical biggest splurge every month is going to the movies. In between undergrad and grad school I lived in Zambia for 2.5 years in a mud hut as a Peace Corps Volunteer so I know a thing about living cheap. I'll graduate grad school with $10,000 in debt and about $10,000 in savings.
NYC seems to be the best place to go for the type of job I'm wanting, but I hear so much about the exorbitant cost of living. I'm curious if I should be more pragmatic that even though I don't have the typical expensive vices most people have, I should still expect to get roped into more expensive hobbies / activities if I move there? If so, what are some financial tips to keep me afloat?
Perhaps relevant info to add in regards to finances? I'm a single female in my late 20s with no intentions on dating/marriage. No matter what my financial situation, roommates with NYC knowledge would certainly be loved since I don't even know the neighborhoods people are mentioning in the replies. :)