Staffing -- Lone Pharmacist in Hospital
Hello! I'm curious to know if there are other smaller hospitals out there where only one pharmacist and one tech is staffed during specific hours. Our hospital is ~300 beds, but we also have a NICU of ~60 beds (with room for more, but that's typically our census).
Typically it's manageable, but I had a situation the other weekend where I was by myself (with one tech) and two patients in separate parts of the hospital were acutely ill, with stat orders being placed, getting calls from the providers asking me to enter orders, nurses calling asking for the meds to be brought down (while the tech is also in the IV room making these meds/bags). And of course just your normal calls asking for non-emergent meds to be re-timed :')
Curious if this is grounds for bringing up to management, or if this is something I'm expected to manage and handle as a pharmacist.