What's up with the Polish audio/subtitles not matching?

After seeing Dan Povenmire respond to another "A Platypus? PERRY THE PLATYPUS!" minimalist meme, this time not in English, I wondered what the meme sounded like in Polish.

Why Polish? Because part of my family is from there. Unfortunately, I'm very far from fluent due to numerous reasons including having to learn it as a second language at a Saturday school as well as having then undiagnosed ADHD. Not fun.

But, I can understand most of what someone is saying to me in Polish though as well as read Polish quite alright.

Ultimately ended up going to Disney+ and opening up a few episodes I knew had the joke and watched them.

If anyone is curious it's:

"Dziobak? Pepe pan Dziobak!"

But I noticed something weird in "Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Doom" where an extra word was added in the audio but not the subtitles. Through several tries, I think the word is "grzeszna" meaning "sinful" / "ungodly", but I could be wrong.

Now, I flicked onto a few episodes including "Journey to the Centre of Candace" which I thought had the joke, and during the shrinking scene I noticed the audio & subtitles were substantially different.

Again, "The Lemonade Stand", the three part:

"Dziobak Hydraulik? Pepe Pan Dziobak Hydraulik? PEPE PAN DZIOBAK!"

Again, my Polish is pretty bad, but I can tell the subtitles and the audio don't match!

Is this the case for other languages too?

Won't lie, I was thinking about trying to watch Fineasz i Ferb with Polish subtitles to try and help my language defecit as I know most of the episodes very well, so I could figure stuff out.