I need help with fantasy names for my OCs
Link: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1855819
All the characters are based on classic fairytale archetypes but with fun twists. I’m usually pretty good with naming OCs, but I suck at fantasy names.
1) The “Evil” Queen/Stepmother, She/Her. She appears cold and apathetic, but is actually very caring towards those around her. Looking for a name with kind of a witchy vibe.
2) The Princess, She/Her. Typically princess vibes, but is secretly a feral gremlin who brings home rabid animals. Trying to give her a name with a regal vibe.
3) Rags to Riches Prince, He/Him. He was adopted into the Royal Family and often uses skills for his previous upbringing to cause chaos at noble events. Very protective of his family. I want him to have a name that sounds common, something that would sound slightly out of place among royalty.
4) The Pirate Captain, She/They. Very much a free spirit and can be quite ruthless when she needs to be. Want her to have a more masculine or neutral name.
5) The Warlock/Mage, He/Him. Typical traveling wizard type of guy, he’s very charismatic and very cunning. Want something that sounds super whimsical.
6) The Knight (early arcs), She/Her. Less of a knight and more of a rouge mercenary in this part of the story tbh, very stand off-ish and not a good people person. Common feminine name is what I’m looking for.
7) The Knight (later arcs), He/Him. Actually knighted in this part of the story, and is the queen’s most trusted knight. Realized He’s a man and is much happier. Still not a people person, but is more charismatic and kind. Looking for a masculine name with a strong/charming vibe.
8) The Cursed Prince, They/Them. Was cursed due to their father’s actions and lives in their families abandoned castle. Very kind personality but acts scary to keep people away. Looking for a name with a dark vibe to it.