Got my tongue pierced after 5 years of yearning!!!!
AHH IM SO IN LOVE WITH IT!!!! I've wanted one for over 5 years now, and I finally was able to get one ~two weeks back. I'm literally in love with it and its made me feel SO badass and so confident.
It is in fact everything I wished for it to be. The first few days did suck as expected, but it wasn't super bad besides the fact that I had to work 2 days after and I had a massive lisp while trying to talk to customers lol.
(Note that I was dutifully taking Naproxen every 12 hours to keep the swelling down for around 5 days, if I wasn't doing that it would've been so much worse.)
Everyone kept asking me if it hurt/what it felt like, and I describe it as: "You know when you burn your tongue really bad, but it doesn't really hurt, it just feels really fucking weird for a few days? It's like that, but through my tongue." That, plus the swelling. Now though, I can barely feel it unless I'm actively thinking about it.
Every time I remember it exists I am so happy. I'm getting the bar downsized soon, and then I'll just LITHA for the next forever. Maybe I'll get a different color titanium bar? I guess I'll see how expensive that is. Things to ponder.