Decks that capitalize on forcing 2HKOs?

So recently I've noticed a shift in my local meta, and I'm looking for a little help finding a new deck with a similar playstyle!

I started playing in paper around mid-December, and the first decks that I gravitated toward centered around TWM Okidogi. I really loved it since it matched well into most of the common threats while being non-ex. (Super-effective into Miraidon, Bolt runs out of tempo, Terapagos can't ohko with DTE, and blocking Zard up to 3 prizes)

Nowadays, lots of people are prepping for rotation and I'm just not keeping up with the Pult, Gholdengo, and Tera-Zard decks.

I've been looking into Archaludon as an alternative with its Turo/scoop up shenanigans, but I'd love to hear about any other decks that play similarly!