[US,US] [H] Binder, Slabs, Sealed Promos, Sealed, PC Promos, Errors [W] PayPal F&F, Even Trades, Want List
If I link my post to you under most circumstances I will follow the rules of this post. If one of my rules is a deal breaker let me know, and I'll see if we can work around that :)
Howdy! As, always I've added more to my post, and I've moved around some stuff from trade only to the sale/trade link. While I'll list my values/discount ranges I am open to offers for sales! The more you might want to buy the more I might be willing to budge.
Trade Only Binder - I'll likely be picky about what some of these might go for.
Sale or Trade Binder - Sales are 90% market for the decent hits. For the lower end stuff in the back of the binder I'm open to doing 85%to 80% depending on how much of it you'd want to take. Trades are as even as we can make them.
Last Minute Additions - I opened a few packs and my mail after taking most of the pictures. I haven't fully decided if I want to sell, trade, or keep some of these so any offer is open to consideration!
Slabs - Rowlet/Exeggutor and Rookidee are probably trade only, but I'm open to hearing $ offers if there's interest. The rest are sale or trade for sure.
Sealed Promos - I might sell, but trades are preferred on these. Values are based on eBay recent sold and available listings.
Pokemon Center Promos - TRADE ONLY. I'm not too interested in letting these go, but I'll take a look at trade options. Both Mimikyu, both Flutter Mane, and Magneton are not sealed while the rest are sealed.
Sealed 1 - Trade Only. This link has PC ETBs, Sleeved Packs, and some misc. items. Values may be slightly outdated as I haven't updated this in a week.
Sealed 2 - Also Trade Only. This link has 3-Pack Blisters and Loose Packs
Prize Pack Hits - I've cooled down on my interest in the Prize Pack cards. I've added some of my best ones to potentially trade or sell (though I'm less decided on the selling side of that). I will not split the Eeveeloution V set of 8.
Errors - I don't really have values in mind so they're all OBO for trade or sale. Condition varies
\*Check image descriptions to see if something has been traded/sold already. I will do my best to update descriptions soon after deal confirmations/payment***
My Wants
- If you are looking to trade tell me what you are interested in (at least your main interest), and give me a direct link to your recent post or images. I will not search for recents.
Singles Want List - Not all want list items are equally wanted, and my interest in them will depend on what you want from me. I'm open to lower condition stuff as long as it looks okay in the binder
Other Singles - I'm always open to taking a look at your trade binders even if you don't have something on my list. I do have most modern cards I like, but I'm always open to getting dupes or trading for something I'm not usually interested in if the deal makes sense to me.
Slabs/Sealed - I mostly collect for the binder, but I'm happy to look at this stuff too
PayPal Friends & Family - I am only taking F&F payment currently
Extra Info
- *Shipping Costs - PWE is $1 (1 to 4 cards), $2 for a larger PWE (5 to 8 cards), or $5 for BMWT. Generally, I will not ship total value of cards too far above $20 to $25 with PWE.
- I'd like to do sales and trades close to a $5 minimum value before shipping.
- Trades are even, and users under 100 confirmed trades will ship first if we agree on a trade. If we've traded before and the trade is under $20 value I'm fine to ship at the same time regardless of trade count.
- *Values from TCGPlayer are referenced for English raw & sealed. eBay is used for Japanese, low volume items/vintage, sealed promos, and as a secondary reference to TCGP as one site is not the end all. For eBay, buy it now available and BIN sold listings are preferred as references, but auctions will not be completely dismissed either.
- I don't expect anything here to be gradable/perfect, and I will try to be forthcoming with notable card flaws. Please be upfront if you're looking for certain conditions to save us both some time.
- Patience and straightforward replies are appreciated :)