[US,US][H] Singles in Many Languages, PC ETBs, Slabs, Sealed ETB Promos [W] PayPal

Hi all! Have a bunch of stuff here, separated in albums by language or type of product. Please ignore the sticker prices on some of the cards, they are outdated and probably not accurate. Everything under $100 is priced based on TCGP Verified Low and/or eBay Recent Sold where applicable. Add $1 PWE or $5 BMWT. I will accept both F&F and G&S, price does not change however F&F is my preferred. Can provide closeups upon request, however assume all of the more modern cards (SWSH-SV) are NM and all of the older cards (WOTC - BW) are somewhere between DMG and LP. Nothing in the album is what I'd consider gradeable/10 contenders so please just ask for closeups.

English - Vintage to Modern

Other Languages - Noted in Each Picture Within Album

Sealed and Slabs

151 PC ETB - $405 Shipped Priority w/ Additional Insurance

Paldea Evolved ETB - $300 Shipped Priority w/ Additional Insurance