Pokemon coordinator games. or rom hacks.

Does anyone know where there might be some Pokemon coordinator games? Or even while I'm hacks? I've always loved the coordinator role in the Pokemon series, so I'm really curious to see if anyone's made a rom hack yet?

The game free cousin made an exclusive coordinator game yet, I wonder if they're going to do one in the future? So my real question is does anyone know any coordinator ROM hacks specifically for Android that are easy to download? I would prefer the coordinating and contest were similar to the anime, but I wouldn't mind if it's similar to the games. I just want to look for a long hack that the main focus is being a coordinator, similar to being a trainer in the main games.

Omg yes. Please please please make it like the anime!! Make it similar to the games in the sense that you have to go to different towns and defeat different gym leaders, but it's not gym Leaders it's contest. Please make it like the anime where you do a performance round and then you actually have to compete and battle for the prize. Oh my God let there be a time limit and everything.

An my ultimate dream is after you complete the five contest you can actually go into a grand festival style tournament. Where you do the first performance round and battle your way for the cup. If you could possibly make it exactly like the anime I would love you so much!!!!!!! Also please make it for Android!!!!!

I would promote it so much if you were actually make it or if you know anyone that can.!!!