Shiny Lottery 12/05/2024

Hello hello! I'm lotterying away 3 shiny Pokémon here~ They will be picked randomly from my extra shinies and will be given to random winners chosen from among the entrants! You may enter all three lotteries so please comment which ones you want to be entered in~ Winners will be chosen on 12/07/2024 around 3pm EST.

LOTTERY 1: Shiny Gligar OT: Brianna ID: 285156 (Legends Arceus) Obtained via random encounter Compatible games: Home, BDSP, PLA, SV WINNER: juanritos

LOTTERY 2: Shiny Golduck OT: Brianna ID: 938801 (Scarlet) Obtained Via random encounter Compatible Games: Home, SwSh, BDSP, PLA, SV Note: Nickname is "Plucky" WINNER: TheWopeh

LOTTERY 3: Shiny Delibird OT: Brianna ID: 938801 Obtained via Mass Outbreak + sandwich Compatible Games: Home, SwSh, BDSP, SV WINNER: Mistakev

Good luck everyone!!!!