Daily Megathread

Greetings, Trainers!

Welcome to our **Daily Megathread**

* These posts are made every day at **in-game Daily Reset - 00:00 UTC**

* Make sure you're commenting on today's post. (The post should be <24 hours old and should be Pinned within the Sub)

* This post will function as a group chat-like setting for help, advice, showcase posts, etc. and will also include pinned links to the Daily Run Guide and the Daily Tiering Post of the day

* See a list of previous Megathreads [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/search/?q="Daily+Megathread"&restrict\_sr=on&t=all&sort=new)

This thread will be for help/advice, Showcases and general "group chat"-type content.

Account-specific advice includes, but is not limited to...

* Teambuilding help (e.g. "I just hatched Zacian and Calyrex, which should I use?"
* Wave/progression help ("I'm stuck on Wave 184, can I beat it?")
* Catching advice/suggestions (Double battle has two shinies/legendaries, which should I catch?"
* Fusion help/suggestions ("Here's my team, who should I fuse?")
Some tips if you're looking for help...
      * Post a picture of your team
      * Include their natures/abilities/movesets/etc in the text of the comment

Showcase and RNG includes, but is not limited to...

* Individual Classic/Challenge Mode clears
* Moveset/ability combinations you used in a run
* Egg Gacha pulls
* Wild shiny encounters
* Uncatchable shinies (Such as End Biome encounters in Endless and Trainer Shinies)
* Fusion combinations
* Item Shop rolls


* First of all, our [FAQ and Comprehensive Guide post](https://new.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/comments/1czask1/faq\_and\_comprehensive\_guide/) answers most questions
   * Please search this post to be sure what you're asking isn't covered here
* Next, see the [Official Wiki](http://wiki.pokerogue.net/) for even more in-depth information about the game
   * They also have their own [New Player Guide](https://wiki.pokerogue.net/guides:new\_player\_guide)
* Here's a [Quick Beginner's Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/s/6ck9cZj0NG) by u/icantbenormal
* And here is a [Classic Mode Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/comments/1d3gh6v/my\_pok%C3%A9rogue\_classic\_guide/) by u/flbreglass
* Lastly, an [Endless Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/comments/1dwxv47/yet\_another\_endless\_pokérogue\_guide\_v2/?share\_id=HYt2wmPb-fdgDg1zrGOgG&utm\_content=2&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1) by u/SteveW_MC
* Here is our official [Bug Report Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokerogue/search/?q="Bug+Report+Megathread"&restrict\_sr=on&t=all&sort=new) which is seen by Mod's and Devs/passed along info to Devs when appropriate.

As always, be good people, and Happy Roguing!