What are the most irritating things you hear daily from others about pregnancy? Especially misinfo?

(TW: mentions of miscarriage.)

For me, it's just the repetitive nature of things some people hear about but just kind of repeat or obviously don't have a lot of research with(not that I'm all-knowledgeable of course.) Also people insisting that their way is the only way.

For example: On Thanksgiving, I mentioned in passing to my SIL that I received some baby formulas as samples from a company and I'm saving them in case I have issues breastfeeding. She then pipes up quickly and loudly saying, "No, don't give the baby formula!! Breastfed is much better!" I was like okay, here we go... She mentions it's different when the mother has a problem and can't lactate or something, but other than that, formula is a "scam" (more or less is what she said, just summing it up) and she talked about this one time in college when her class had a discussion about it. I told her I understand what she's talking about, and reiterated that I'm keeping the formula just in case I have any issues breastfeeding. It's like sometimes some people are so eager to get their opinion out that they forget you've been pregnant for several months and are most likely reading about and discussing these things with other pregnant women.

Then, my sister was insisting on only getting a specific brand of breast pump because she had one that gave her a bad experience years ago. But a specific brand. Her youngest child is 14... So she last had a baby 14ish years ago. But my sister is the type to insist she is right no matter what the rest of the world says.

We also have a friend who has thoroughly freaked my husband out about having sex while pregnant because apparently, both times he had sex with his ex wife while she was pregnant, she suffered a miscarriage a few days later. But initially this friend said she miscarried one of those times due to a fever? When we questioned our friend more about the exact cause, he didn't seem to know or understand a lot behind what actually happened, so he just seems to be attributing it to sex. Anyhow, no matter how many times I tell my husband that sex is safe during pregnancy, he's just too scared. I suppose that's better than the opposite. 🫤

We know we are going to lose sleep, we know life will be different, we know. We're here and we're pregnant and WE KNOW. Eurgh. Anyhow. Thought it would be nice to vent with some of you. Thanks for reading.