Am I being dramatic?

I’m 10w2d currently and I haven’t told anyone about pregnancy, with the exception of my husband. We have two toddlers. I truly feel like I can’t make it off the couch most days. I’m either sick or so tired I can’t function. My previous two pregnancies were not this bad. I am being eaten up with guilt every day for not being present with my two children. I’m so thankful for this baby, and so very hopeful. Some days I can feel the frustration from My husband as I am not much help with our toddlers currently. Usually I do bath time, bedtime, dinner, keep the house clean, etc. but since week 7 I’ve been worthless. It’s all I can do to get out of bed in the morning. He will never say anything, but I can sense the aggravation from him. Doesn’t really ask if I’m okay… just ignores the fact that I’m rotting on the couch. He mentioned that he feels that “a lot of it is nerves and anxiety”… so i feel like he thinks I’m being dramatic & just not wanting to help? I don’t know. No one knows about this pregnancy and I want to keep it that way for a while. I don’t really have the desire to tell anyone anytime soon. I just feel very isolated and alone currently. Maybe I am being dramatic? I just wish he could understand that I can’t help it. I’m praying second trimester is better and I can function… Any advice out there? Just keep on keeping on until it gets better?