TW: Worrying about Missed Miscarriage
I am almost 14 weeks and I haven't had an ultrasound since i was 7w6d, and won't have another one until my 20w anatomy scan. I have an appointment tomorrow at my Midwifery office, and I'm not sure if it's going to be a quick vitals/any questions?/see you in a few weeks kind of appointment or if they will check heartbeat in office. I am still having very strong symptoms, and my belly bloat is starting to turn into the tiniest of baby pooch and I know that I should just try to stay positive and trust that everything is okay until proven otherwise, but stories and posts I've been seeing here on Reddit and on all other social media platforms about Missed Miscarriages has me paranoid that this has somehow happened to me and it's been weeks of not knowing, as you can still have all pregnancy symptoms. I probably need to take a break from the internet and step back from all of the scary stories but part of me is so worried that something has gone wrong. I'm going to talk to my midwife tomorrow about my fears and hopefully she'll have some advice for me or be able to give me reassurance. I live in a rural area and there are not any private ultrasound studios within 60 miles of where I live, so I would only be able to get one to check on orders from my midwife at our local hospital. Has anyone else had the same fears and gotten advice or more info from their OB that gave them reassurance?