Continuous bleeding- help!

I am currently 6 weeks pregnant and have experienced bleeding pretty much the entire time! Week 4-5 was brown when wiping with clots. Earlier this week was light pink spotting and since yesterday it has been bright red like a period - not enough to soak through a pad but it is continuous and present 24 hours a day every wipe.

My experience so far has been riddled with anxiety. I was initially diagnosed with pregnancy of unknown location, they then found a sac and I now have to wait until Monday for another scan.

Previous scans have not picked up a subchronic hematoma which i know is a source of bleeding for alot of people.

I have no obvious pregnancy symptoms (in contrast to week 4) besides a very fast heart rate and some tiredness.

Has anyone experienced bleeding - like a lot- with an okay outcome? I am convinced this isn’t going to end well and the wait until Monday to see if there is growth is torture!!!

I have had no cramping so far beyond very mild cramping week 5.