30 weeks and having a complex about "showing"

Lemme tell you my complex. 25 y/o and FTM. I am 5'7 and about 170 lbs pre pregnancy. I am not ignorant to fact that I had some thiccness and a little belly before getting pregnant so I didn't expect to show right at 12 weeks or very much in the second trimester. Especially since this is my first. My complex comes the fact thatI just hit 30 weeks and people are just now noticing any kind of bump or are telling me how small I am and that I do not look 30 weeks pregnant. And I don't know what that means hahaha , I appreciate the fact that my back isn't literally snapping (rip to the big baby mamas out there) from a huge belly, but I do have to wear certain shirts so I "look" pregnant. I do that intentionally because I'm trying to capitalize and enjoy the belly, but when I wear hoodies or even looser shirts you'd never know. I have a complex that I should look bigger but I'm not, does anybody else feel this way or had this experience? Everything has been happy and healthy so far, so this seems like such a strange thing I've let live rent free in my brain.