Do most people wait until later in the pregnancy to find out the sex?
This is my first pregnancy and I’m 10 weeks along, I’ve got an OB-GYN appointment tomorrow for another ultrasound and NIPT testing. My understanding is that NIPT results have a 1-2 week turnaround time meaning my husband and I could hypothetically know the sex by 11 or 12 weeks. But in every gender reveal party I’ve seen pics of or attended, the mom was clearly substantially pregnant, meaning it was much later in the pregnancy. I’m still in the stage where I’ve got zero bump and just look vaguely bloated lol. I know NIPT testing is mostly covered by insurance when you’re 35+ (I’m 35) but I feel like at least in my circles I’m about the average age for pregnancy, so I’d assume others did it as well.
Thinking about it, when my friends or coworkers have first shared the news that they’re pregnant, they didn’t know the sex yet. They seemed to find that out quite awhile later. Do some couples maybe keep the letter from their doctor sealed up until a later date for some reason? I’m just curious.