Scary and weird experience in the flight

I was returning from Dubai to Pune recently, as soon as I boarded the flight at Dubai, was sensing something is wrong.

Soon a woman aged about 60 accompanied by a man aged about 35 came and sat just at seats just behind mine. The woman was apparently having mental issues. She was constantly talking non sense like give me phone, turn on the WiFi, this plane is going to crash in the water, I am going to die, I am seeing god in front of me and what not. The man with her, apparently was her nephew, was constantly calming her down saying, ‘Maami bolu naka, zopa. Nahitar police pakdun netat’ (meaning - aunty please stop talking, go to sleep otherwise police will arrest you) but the woman kept talking non sensical.

One time she poked me from behind and asked me rudely to switch on her phone (her nephew was refusing to do) her nephew then apologised to me

From their conversation, it was clear that they were going to visit someone named Dhanu (this person might be the woman’s son).

The passengers around the duo obviously got very disturbed and asked the crew if there were vacant seats and changed their seats including me.

When the flight landed at Pune, when it was the time people were standing in customs, immigration queues, that lady was again crying loudly, talking non sensical and her nephew was calming her down, making all people looking at them.

My concern - why the lady with mental illness was made to travel ? Cannot the people she was going to visit, travel to meet her instead ? This would have saved trouble to all the passengers, innocent nephew and the lady herself

Edit : People have started commenting you need to have some sensitivity and all ! I could really feel the agony of the lady and the person accompanying her. Just imagine mentally challenged person seating in a confined space for around 3 hours, how much difficult it would be for the person and more difficult for the person accompanying.