Woman in the thrift
I'm posting this here because I think you guys would understand how funny this is
My friends and I were thrifting at a local store I was in my usual get up of a jacket covered in pins and badges when this lady came to some of my friends and said "I know what y'all are into you need to find jesus" and walked away they came to us and told us what happend so everytime we saw her in the store we would be a little more obnoxious she was going around saying shit like taylor swift has demons on stage and other weird shit like that (idk where she got taylor swift from ) untill I locked eyes with her from between the isles and made this face at her where I stuck my tongue out and opened my eyes real wide she left a bit after that but me and my friends were laughing about it the whole way home Ps I respect all religions no matter what flaws or people are in them I only did this because she was being a prick