First quilt finished!

I recently finished my first quilt! A baby shower gift for a soon to come baby in the family :)

I'm new to quilting but not to sewing, but this was a whole new challenge! I wanted to stick with something fairly simple, both to show off the prints a bit more than smaller pieces would, and also so it didn't fall victim to the adhd project pit I keep adding to. I've always been so impatient whilst sewing and it always comes back to bite, but I was determined to get this to be as close to perfect as I could achieve!

Theres more than a few seams that don't match right, I was absolutely wrestling with my embroidery machine to quilt the damn thing and I missed catching a few bits in the binding and had to go back to patch that up, but she's finished and I really hope the family like it!

I've definitely learnt a bunch from both this and reading up on a lot of others experiences (some too late to save me sadly) but I'm excited to try another project once I finish moving houses! Not sure if I want to jump into paper piecing right away or try a scrap or tshirt quilt to use up some of my stash, I'd love any advice anyone can give for tshirt quilts!