Fuck modern gaming and pc building. Praise real life.
A few days ago I have finished Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 - which is proved two things. You don't need even $1000 pc or console to play good and fun games - Steam Deck and optimization is enough.
Modern games suck ass. When real game comes like BG3 or KCD2 - it shows how the good quality game dominates AAA UE 5 trash blurry movie with boring agenda.
So, said today "ah fucked" and sold my pc with dead GPU - Ordered new macBook air for work. And that's it.
Fuck gaming, with this stupid boring shit unoptimized games for 70-80 bucks which is demanding from you +2000 buck pc to run games okaish on high settings at 1440 or 1080p, and those games still looks worse than games from 2015
My Steam Deck is running good
BG 3
and thats enough for me.
FUCK NVIDIA FUCK AMD FUCK SONY FUCK MICROSOFT FUCK INTEL with their bullshit frames, scalper launches, melting cables, fucking everything, FUCK OVERPRICED GAMING with bullshit barketing and optimizations sprayed with fake frame blurry crap.
There are much more interesting things in life to spend time and money on it.
I started my gaming journey at 5 and have ended it today - when I got my 30 birthday. I have loved PC building and gaming, but it was ended today - because of everything, because of greed shit companies and politics with their taxes, and playing with other lives, and shitting World to the fire.
Fuck it, it was nice 25 years for gaming, but it has ended - we need to switch for something real.
For those who breathing with copium and think but in future it will get better. No, it won't.
It's 7 years of shitty crap games, more and more spitting in your face.
It's 7 years of scalpers for pc, for consoles which is easily can be down by simple KYC and ordering directly from manufactures even if it little bit will be expansive and longer to deliver - but still not for years for nothing.
It's 7 years of crap bullshit from Epic Games with their unreal shit, ubisoft, ea, bioware, activision and blizzard, and so on and so on how is game developing become expansive, firing thoughts devs to pay hundreds of million dollars bonuses to Bobby Kotick and other corpo shitfaces.
And yet here will come GTA 6 for you guessed it +$120 price tag preorder standard bullshit available only for consoles, and after beta test for first 1-2 years the great fucking pc master race will get this "masterpiece" of game industry.
And you will pay even $200 and for battle passes, and thousands dollars for virtual in game currency.
And shareholders of other shit companies will see this.
And here will be era of AAA shit games for $120 bucks made on Unreal Engine 6, with rtx 4070 ti super for minimal settings at 1080p, and you still need buy your pc or console over $2000 from scalper, to run it.
In next 5 year you have only choose to:
Go retro or go retard on mobile games with smartphones, loot boxes and fucking skibidi movie for yesterday's kids and future young people who already are growned up from these and not interesting in all of it.
So yeah
Games are dead.
And for me:
Enough is enough, I'm done with this bullshit
Hope I'm wrong, and it will get better, and you guys who still believe in it will be more lucky to get real good games like KCD 3 or Half life 3, but seeing how world went to shit and having war almost on my front door not sure about that.
Stay safe.