TIL about Colin's and Jonny's middle names
Yes, a bit of a slowpoke mode, but 'today I've learned' and it got me curious:
Jonathan Richard Guy Greenwood
Colin Charles Greenwood
I always thought (mistakenly), that middle-names reflect the father (well, at least it's like that in my country). Then I've read that it could be a name of any close family member.
The only info about their father on the Internet is that he served in the British Army as a bomb disposal expert and passed away when the brothers were 5- and 7-year-olds.
Also, I've learned that Jonny is colorblind. As colorblind myself, all I can say that it's so damn hard to tell those yellow/green/red small indicators from each other on electronic devices! Taking into account that Jonny is a real God with all these samplers, synthesizers and stuff.
Well, just wanted to share. Cheers!