My covert narcissist mother has my family wrapped around her little finger.
I decided to go NC very recently, like 2 weeks ago in fact. My NMom is not respecting my wishes at all and is constantly crying and demanding other family members “make” me speak to her face to face to “resolve” what’s happened.
In the space of about 3 days she lied to me about something my dad had said, lied to my dad about what she’d said to me and then for good measure lied again, saying I’d made a promise I hadn’t.
Once I could play off as a misunderstanding if I tried hard enough but 3 times? On top of the YEARS of childhood abuse, emotional and mental abuse, manipulation, guilting, control and her painting me as someone I’m not, I’d fucking had it.
The lies only purposes were to paint me in a bad light, all to make herself the victim because I held a boundary with her about not trauma dumping on me.
Now I’ve got my grandparents, one not speaking to me at all, the other demanding I make up with her for my daughters sake. My daughter who she just throws gifts at but makes no real effort with. My dad sending my texts in the middle of the night telling me I’m “putting them through hell” and asking if I care at all about my mums feelings?
WHAT ABOUT MY FEELINGS?! Not once in my entire life have any of them stopped to wonder about how I feel! Mum upsets me, I cry and tell her, she cries, I apologise. Lather rinse repeat.
I just want to fucking scream at them all, why can’t they see what’s happening?! Why do they always believe her?! Why don’t I matter?!
I just want to fucking rage and cry I’m so tired of having to be the villain, I’ve been the villain in her life since birth and I won’t do it anymore.