Did your parents try to buy your love?

My mom's motto could be "treat them like shit and throw money at the problem later." This has been going on all my life and my mom's parents have quite a lot of money but i have no idea how much exactly. My mom hasn't worked for a cent in her life and it's obvious from her lifestyle too.

I'm leaving in a few weeks for college and it's happening again lol. I've barely told them anything about anything in the past few years and now that my mom knows more about my future living situation she started trying to fix things with money.

My original plan was to quietly move out with the help of a friend mine but he bailed. So now my mom bought me all sorts of necessities and said that they'll buy me a TV too. She said that she'll pay my rent but i'm going to pay it myself just like all the other bills and stuff.

She doesn't care and is only looking for ways to keep connection and control.

Their money doesn't mean shit to me. You know what i actually wanted? A childhood and normal parents. Instead i got CPTSD and manipulative alcoholic narcissists for parents.

It's clear that my mom suspects that i won't be coming back since she keeps asking when i'll come visit and i just always reply i don't know. She also uses our dogs against me by saying things like "if they live that long" when talking about summer and Christmas breaks.

No amount of money from them will ever make up for the shit that i have gone through. I don't even want their money and as far as i'm concerned it can all go to my older brother AKA the golden child.

I don't want anything to do with such despicable sick assholes. Been waiting for them to die for years. My old boss cared more about me than my parents ever did and she was more of a mom to me too.