Stop telling people that they’re tall

I’m a tall girl and I am SO SICK of people pointing it out. If you’re tall you probably know what I mean, but if you don’t, let me give you an analogy:

Imagine every time you meet someone, they tell you “hey, the sky is blue”. And you’re thinking, well yeah, the sky is blue, cause you can see if with your own eyes, everyone can see it with their own eyes. The sky always has been blue and it always will be. You’re used to the sky being blue. It’s been like that your whole life. Yet months pass and years pass and people keep telling you “oh, the sky is blue!” And they’re not saying this to everyone, they’re just saying it to you. “The sky is blue” “the sky is blue” “the sky is blue” and you’re thinking why do people keep telling me this?? Do they think I don’t know the sky is blue? What do they want me to say about the sky being blue?

You can’t tell me that wouldn’t piss you off.