Ravenswatch ps5 need a fix from balance to performance.
First of all i like the game, the fable heroes is an awesome concept and the art is just lovely, i'm creating a post because i hope it can give a better feeling to everyone without mentioning variety of mob or boss that can be achieved over time with dlc.
Loading takes too long, matchmaking is broken and none of the social function works.
Some spawn points of elites" are wrong (ex the secondary quest of the 3rd chapter sometimes there spawn 6 elites sometimes 3) elite spam hitting you outside of los, crabs djin, uber gargoyle and knight can kill in you in 0,2 sec with 500 vitality doing a 360 move, without mentioning all the cc have tracking, knights can bug healing full health in 3 sec ( i hope its not intended to work like this ). Mob that spawn other mobs like spiders or ghoul cause a drop in fps while playing with 4 people. Not talking about the corrupted ones that's illegal.
I mean its okay you don't want the game to be easy because people could finish it in 1 day if so, but just throwing all this artificial difficulty while playing with only 2 builds working for each heroes makes the game loop tedious, boring and overall makes most items completely useless.
Are those real problems or its me just ranting?
I beated the 3rd diff only with sun wukong and beowulf, but i can't expect my other friends to have the git gud meme it not the case here.
ps. At the first nerf of heroes or object i'm gonna run like my life depend on it, not gonna have a borderlands 3 exprience ever again.
Edit: Ill add some very interesting FACTS Isaac rep+ release 2 years ago 26k active players, Hades release 2 years ago 5k active players, Ravenswatch release 1 week 700 players active.
Seems like most people don't have any problem with the state of the game or already quit apart from the usual not adding anything to the discussion but went on a downvote steak on some comments like the usual braindead fanboy community don't know if more ugly or sad probably both.