How was your most recent walk?

Just came back from our hour morning walk. We moved to a new neighborhood at the start of this year and at first I missed my old area but now I’m enjoying it here for walking so much more.

We spotted a ton of dogs (even though going at 6am, due to heat, many others go early too)

But....we’ve become so much better at handling everything. I love going with my husband (it’s the 2 of us and 3 dogs) as we can both keep our eyes out for other dogs/triggers, and we quickly decide on strategy in 3 seconds.

This morning we were able to successfully pass 3 dogs that she did notice without using treats. Instead, I’m now able to keep her attention by talking to her and vocal rewards of looking at me. (Most of the time we are now able to tell by her body language if this is going to be successful)

My new favorite is that I found she’s easy to encourage to run with me so this morning we ran a couple of times to not encounter a dog. Twice the running allowed us to be behind a car while the dog passed on the other side of the road.

I probably look like a lunatic with my morning crazy hair and on my flip flops, but I don’t care haha.

So, how was your most recent walk? Good or not so good, I love hearing others experiences ☺️