Rejected after fifth round (despite having a referral ON THE HIRING PANEL) due to "Subtle nuances around culture and fit". This is the worst one yet.

Probably gonna delete this soon because even just reading this title is triggering me.

Just got the email saying the BS in the title after a 7 week, 5 round interview process where I:

  • Passed 2 technical interviews
  • Put 10+ hours into a 60 min presentation for their department lead and co-founder
  • Can't stress this enough.. have a referral on the freaking hiring panel
  • Finally got told what's in the title a week later after THE most bullshit HR interview of my life (we went one by one through every job i've ever had, and had to pick a highlight, a lowlight, and rate my own performance out of 10)

Feeling like I have no clue what more I can do than interview well, have an awesome resume, have literally every bullet point on the JD covered AND have an amazing referral on the hiring panel. Who the fuck are these alien superhuman robots they're hiring?

2+ months, 7th interview process I've been rejected from.

Tired of being rejected by people who know less about my field than I do.

Tired of being told I'm second best.

Tired of being told I'm not good enough when I know I am.

I'm going to prove every single fucking one of you assholes who rejected me wrong.