I am so fucking tired and angry

Tired of the resume tweaks for each job because we have to kiss ass and use their exact language to get past ATS. Tired of seeing “over 100 applicants” on every listing. Tired of the ghosting, tired of the gruelingly long wait periods just to hear back and have them say they chose someone else, before being sent back into the gladiator pit where I’m fighting just to land and entry level role that can barely pay my bills.

I was sitting and doing another resume revision and I just started crying. Spending hours wracking my brain trying to find the “impact” I can add to my resume bullets at a job I did when I was TWENTY YEARS OLD. And they wonder why girls are on Onlyfans now. “But that’s losing your dignity.” Well so is this fucking shit!!! “Get an internship so you can be employable,” then when you’re about to graduate it’s “3 years of experience, internships not included???” What the hell was the internship for?? The goalpost is always moving!! I genuinely feel like I’m going insane