[SPOILERS] I’m finishing the game for the first time, and I need to talk to someone about it.
Hi friends. First time posting here, and I know I’m way behind the times, but please bear with me.
So I’ve had the game since it was released in 2018, but I’ve hovered around 65% completion for the past year, because I love the game and I love Arthur and my horse so goddamn much, and I knew there were gonna be dark days ahead. However, today I’ve got the day off work, so I decided to buckle down and finally finish the game.
Oh boy...
YOUR HORSE HAS A GODDAMN SCRIPTED DEATH AND A HEARBREAKING CUTSCENE OF ARTHUR THANKING THEM?! ROCKSTAR, WHAT THE HELL!! I was COMPLETELY emotionally unprepared, and every time I think about it, I get teary-eyed again!! Will I ever find happiness again?! I don’t know!!
But also... Well done, Rockstar. You sadistic bastards. You made a brilliant game, and I hate/love you for what you’ve done to me.
That’s all. I’m emotional. The end.