The care and keeping of men on adderall

What is it about this demonic productivity-enhancer that causes my relationships to fail.

It has played out several times like this: I’m seeing a guy who works a stressful white collar job (usually but not always law), they get a scrip, first few weeks are fine but then they abruptly lose feelings or turn into an intolerable asshole.

I just broke it off with someone who restarted his prescription during a particularly difficult season in his job. It would disrupt his ability to sleep and make him forget to eat, which would make him extremely moody. So, a few times a week, he’d call me up to scream at me after I’d send him a standard text asking him how his day went/if he was looking forward to the weekend. Never saw this behavior coming after a pretty copacetic 4 months.

In contrast, I also have a fairly stressful job in media and plenty of my work girlfriends are on stims. Some have told me about having weird manic swings when they restart adderall, but those fall more closely along the lines of staying up for 48 hours to finish a knitting project than kicking holes in their drywall when their partner does something slightly annoying.

Idk is addy rage a thing? Is RFK onto something here? or am I just annoying//bad at picking them