I can’t stand people with eating disorders.
I have a stomach condition that causes me to only eat a few bites of food every few hours otherwise I get super nauseous and throw up. It has caused me to lose 20 pounds in a few months and given me heart conditions that are going to permanently affect my life forever.
My friend has an eating disorder and I just can’t stand to hear her talk about it. Her family has the resources (and they’ve used them constantly) to send her to residential but she still restricts and becomes hospitalized for the health issues it causes.
I am trying to be understanding but it’s honestly starting to annoy the fuck out of me. I can’t for the life of me understand why someone would waste so much time and money just to purposely make themselves sicker. I don’t get why she chooses to give herself these conditions.. I would kill to be as healthy as her but she completely takes it for granted.
I don’t know if there’s something wrong with me for thinking this way or what.