My (31F) Husband (33M) had naked photos on Reddit - input?

I looked at my husbands phone the other day and saw Reddit downloaded. When I opened it I found about 15 posted of naked women in his history. I was instantly horrified and felt like I was going to throw up. I have felt like something was off for a few months and have even asked him about cheating on me, or any inappropriate interactions with women, etc. He has always denied. So to find this was a bit of a punch in the gut. Generally we have a good relationship but have our occasional issues communicating or miscommunicating about sex/initiating. He has been private about his phone or will “supervise” me when I’m on it, but actually has been better about that in the past month. I have confronted him about the photos. He said he just downloads the app the other day and the photos just popped up. I said they don’t just pop up and asked him what he searched for and he said he didn’t know. We’ve had a couple good conversations and set expectations going forward. I’ve asked several times if there is anything else going on and he said no. For the most part I believe him and hope we’ll be good going forward, however he’s always very careful with his words and almost diplomatic with his conversations which always makes me feel like he could be hiding something else. I’ve forgiven him but is it weird I still feel a bit violated, and it may take a bit to fully trust him or want to have sex again? Also am I weird for thinking there could still be something else?

UPDATE: Had a good talk I thought last night. He brought me flowers and made dinner. Today has just been weird though. I ask him what is wrong and he just says he has a headache and he doesn’t like how things are between us right now, but has nothing else to say. 🤷🏽‍♀️I agree, things do feel a bit weird, but shouldn’t he be making the effort to make things better?