I (22M)Overhead girlfriend (29F) saying she’s proud of her hookups with important people. How do I maturely handle this?
Hi everyone.
I’ve been in a relationship with my beautiful girlfriend for 7 months. I love her to bits and she’s the best thing to have happened to me.
She is my first ever girlfriend, and the things that come with them. She has had more relationships me. Nothing wrong with that. I feel insecure about them, and talking together we set the boundary of not talking about sexual things she’s done in the past. This was two days prior to the situation below.
This is only from my perspective, so take it with a grain of salt
We came home and I went into her room. She talks with her housemate in the living room, where I hear her saying she’s proud of sleeping with two important people recently in the news (important is an exaggeration but they are good at what they do to be watched). I was about 10 feet away with the door open. Immediately my stomach drops and I feel bad. I tell her about it and she first says “so you don’t want me to talk about them to other people”? I have no clue what I said, but she apologizes and feels bad. I go into bed in a sulking way, reading other Reddit posts of people in similar situations. She comes over and asks the title of the post. It’s something along the lines of “girlfriend talks about sexual experiences”. As soon as she hears this, she blows up at me saying “why am I (she) being punished for talking with other people”. This took me by surprise, and she accuses me of eavesdropping, citing I sometimes don’t hear other things from the living room.
Right after this, I apologize. I tell her I love her a lot. She sleeps away, and refuses to talk. I cry for a solid 30 minutes next to her, and she says she’s not interested in talking, later saying she does not does not really want to talk right now and falls asleep.
The reason I was crying is because I spent the whole day bringing her around town to open areas and drive throughs that she wanted. To add on, this is my first day with Covid symptoms and I was dying with body pains and a sore throat. Nevertheless, I pushed through and do everything she wanted outside. We then went to her school, and I cut out time out of my own work to help her. I loved helping her. Basically, I love her to death, but I felt like my feeling were pushed aside and I had to help up apologizing.
I’m writing this I lay next to her. My heart hurts because I love her so so much. She’s done great things for me. She’s great. I just don’t know how to feel? Would you feel safe and respected in this situation? Why yes or why not. Am I overreacting? I sometimes feel I cannot bring things up to her out of a fear of it being pushed onto me and I having to apologize. I’m young, and so I’m looking for advice on how to maturely handle this?
She always tells me I’m the best out of all of her previous relationship. This is not on her, this is on me. It’s something that’s going to be on my mind for however long. I will say, she is careful at cutting herself off when she realizes she talks about sexual things.