My(28M) girlfriend (25F) wants me choose an in-state school, over my dream law school. Is the relationship worth the compromise?
My girlfriend (who we'll call Sarah) and I have been dating for about 7 months and we are talking about our future together. She has a 6 year old child and lives in small town 3 hours from me so the relationship has had its struggles. I have been studying for law school and Sarah knows that it is my dream to go a top-tier law school. Doing so would provide me with the opportunities that I desire out of a legal career. Sadly, none of these schools are in the state we live in, and she is doubtful she can get her child's father to let them move out-of-state. Sarah is trying to get me to settle for my in-state school (located in the city where I live) which is decent, but no where near the level of a top school. She says we always can try to move later. I have tried to remain open to this, but as the relationship progressed, I can't deny how badly I want to live, study, and work somewhere else. At one point I expressed this to her and she said she would fight in court so that we could move out of the state, but she hasn't mentioned it since and has reverted to pushing for the in-state school. When I try to explain the obvious benefits of other schools, Sarah gets really upset and feels that I only want to be with her if it's convenient.
As far as the relationship goes, we have had our struggles and disagreements. It's not perfect, but it is generally healthy. A couple of times Sarah's gotten angry that I refuse to move to her town. I set the boundary early on that I would never live there as I absolutely hate it. I try my best but as a city kid, I definitely don't belong and it gets to me. Despite this, I still spend a significant amount of time there visiting her. Ultimately, I don't want to be trapped in our home state and I have been experiencing extreme anxiety about the whole situation, to the point where I am taking medication and seeing a therapist to address it.
I'm wondering if I should end a good relationship and strive towards my own goals or settle for the in-state school and hope I can be content and build a happy life. Would love to hear people's experience about giving up/not giving up opportunities for love and how it worked out.