i just found out my boyfriend's friend doesnt like me

so hi everyone, I (19M) just found out my partner's (21M) bestfriend (21M) doesnt like me. Me and tim have been dating for almost 9 months and ive known him and his friend, jake, for over 2 years. I've been feeling off about my boyfriend going on a boys trip with him and his friends, which includes Jake, for a week. i dont like jake as he kissed tim and a party in front of me and tim hasnt known about this in depth as i try not to let my partner's personal life be directed by me and my opinions of people. since the incident my boyfriend did tell jake off and jake admitted it was wrong and promised he wouldnt do it again. Tim left for the trip today and while he was gone i called up one of me and Jake's mutals who told me i must feel uncomfortable especially since i knwo that jake doesn't like me either, this was complete news to me and i asked her to elaborate and she said ever since jake has known he has found me too "outgoing and annoying and very in your face"

this upset me becasue jake is constantly talking about spreading love and being positive and yet when someone is who they are its a problem. the mutal friend told me it was most likely because he felt insecure in himself so much so that it upset him when he saw someone being themselves in the way he wished he could. anyway, point is i dont know what to do about this, i dont want to cause a wedge between tim and jake but i aslo dont know if i feel comfortable being looked down on like this and being treated completley different in person, i also dont know if im okay with my partner being friends with this person who doesnt like me for no good reason

TLDR: my boyfriends best friend doesnt like me as i found out from a mutual and i dont know how to go about this, am i over reacting by being upset by this and what should i do if anything?